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Company Meeting Plan ~ Go for 2016

For all members

Brief Overview
We will hold some meetings for 2016 with Sorya, Pidoar and 2 representatives(see Attachment [Representative])

 1.Creating Company Calendar 2016.(see Attachment[Calendar])
 2.Revising Employee Regulations and Salary rules.(see Attachment[Employee Regulations])
 3.Planning for introduction of Incentive system.(see Attachment[Incentive])

  a.To decide work days for all members would decide their own individual and company’s plans of 2016.

 2.Employee Regulations, Salary Rules
  a.To reconsider current employee regulations and look for problems or issues in the company.
b.To make a new structuring of campany for all members can work safely and earn money easily with cooperation each other.
  c.To reconfirm the Role, Task, Goal of members and Work, Conditions, Meaning of Manager.
d.To develop skills of Pidoar and members who would manage company in the future.

  a.To consider on introduction of Incentive systems for evaluate members who contribute to company’s profits and improving productivity so much.
  b.To evaluate performances of members and give reward with reasons which all members would agree.

Date Plans
  [2015/11/05(Thu)] Open the Calendar 2016

 2.Employee Regulations, Salary Rules
Open to members and Sign on new Employee Regulations. [2015/12/25(Fri)]
Apply new Employee Regulations. [2016/01/01~]

Complete making planning sheet [2015/12/25(Fri)]
Observe Situations, Revise and Modify plans. [2016/01/01~]
Open new Incentive system.[2016/04/01~]

Place: @Kitchen Table
 Time: 17:00~(After work hour),Within max 1 hour each meetings.
 Attendees: Pidoar,2 representatives,Sorya
a.Tell your true thoughts and feelings with logical reasons.
b.Consider company profits, not only personal profits.
c.Listen to others until the end. Record every meetings.
d.Decide any rules as the topic of meetings if it’s needed.
e.Pidoar::[Prepare snacks and drinks. Announce the date to all attendees 2 weeks before the meetings.]